How to Add frequency in A Receiver
Today I'll tell/guide you step by step that how to add Frequency,Polarity and Symbol rate in Mostly used common receivers.
1. Go to your receiver's Menu
2. Click on Installation/Configuration(setting).
3. Press OK
4. Select Satellite
5. Press OK
6. Now Watch Down You'll See Instruction that Yellow button for Add tp, Red Button for delete tp etc these function are mostly changed in different receivers you can also delete and edit existing tps by using these button so must use instruction then press add tp button like Yellow button.
7. Now Here you'll see 3 Rolls 1st for Freq(frequency) 2nd for Pol(polarity) and 3rd for SR(Symbol Rate).
If You've the Frequency 4041 V 27500. Here 4041 is Freq(frequency), V is Pol(polarity), 27500 is SR(Symbol Rate).
8. Add Frequency correctly and Press OK Button or Click on Save.
Its Done!
Your Freq has been added Successfully.
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Here is the Screen shoot taken from Echo link EL 888+
Tags: how to add frequency in receiver, how to delete freq/tp in receiver, how to add freq in hd receiver, how to add tp in mpeg2 and mpeg4 receivers,adding tp in receiver, HD Receive Freq adding Tutorial, tutorial in Urdu, Hindi , Eng and all other languages, submit freq in hd receiver, new tp in hd receivers, how to add frequency/tp in common hd(mpeg4) SD (mpeg2) receivers. Adding tp in Echo link,Star track HD,Neosat,Super HD,Track sat and many more.images of freq adding in receiver, frequency adding images, frequency/tp adding pics, frequency/tp adding photos(pic,pics,pictures,images), how to add frequency in a receiver tutorial with images.
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